Screenwriting Basics

Understanding Protagonists and Antagonists in Film

Dec 21, 2023


Avinash Prabhakaran

Movies are not merely a visual feast for our eyes but also a playground for our minds. A well-crafted film often leaves a lasting impression, not just because of its stunning visuals and captivating storyline, but because of the complex characters that inhabit its world. 

Two of the most crucial characters in any narrative are the protagonist and antagonist, and in this blog post, we will delve into what these terms mean and why they are vital in film analysis.

Defining the Protagonist

The protagonist is often referred to as the "hero" of the story, but this title can be misleading. 

The protagonist is not necessarily a morally upright character or the one with whom the audience sympathizes the most. 

Instead, the protagonist is the central character around whom the story revolves. Their journey, whether it be one of growth, redemption, or self-discovery, is what drives the plot forward.

In many cases, the protagonist is the character the audience can most easily identify and relate to. Their experiences, challenges, and triumphs become the film's emotional core. 

Think of Luke Skywalker in "Star Wars," Harry Potter in the eponymous series, or Woody in "Toy Story." These characters are all protagonists who undergo significant transformations throughout their respective narratives.

Understanding the Antagonist

The antagonist, on the other hand, is the character or force that opposes the protagonist's goals. 

While the term "antagonist" often brings to mind villains and evildoers, not all antagonists are purely malevolent. Some may have conflicting objectives or opposing viewpoints. The key to a compelling antagonist is that their presence creates conflict and tension in the story.

In some cases, the antagonist may be an external threat, such as a supervillain like the Joker in "The Dark Knight." 

In others, it could be a more abstract concept, like the oppressive society in "The Handmaid's Tale" or the relentless passage of time in "Interstellar." These antagonists are just as potent in driving the narrative as any physical adversary.

The Dynamic Relationship

One of the most intriguing aspects of film analysis is exploring the dynamic between the protagonist and the antagonist. 

Their interactions and conflicts often serve as the engine that propels the story forward. The clash of their goals and values creates drama and suspense, keeping the audience engaged from beginning to end.

Moreover, the antagonist can serve as a mirror to the protagonist. By contrasting the two characters, filmmakers can highlight the protagonist's growth and development throughout the story. 

The antagonist's presence challenges the protagonist to overcome their flaws and face their fears, ultimately leading to a more satisfying resolution.

Examples of Protagonist-Antagonist Dynamics

  • "The Silence of the Lambs" (1991) - Clarice Starling (protagonist) vs. Hannibal Lecter (antagonist).

  • "The Lord of the Rings" series - Frodo Baggins (protagonist) vs. Sauron (antagonist).

  • "Black Swan" (2010) - Nina Sayers (protagonist) vs. her own inner demons (antagonist).


In the world of film analysis, understanding the roles of the protagonist and antagonist is essential to unraveling the complexity of a narrative. 

These characters are the yin and yang of storytelling, their interplay creating the tension, drama, and emotional resonance that make movies unforgettable. 

The protagonist's journey and the antagonist's opposition are the beating heart of any film, and as viewers, it's our privilege to witness and dissect their dynamic. 

So, the next time you watch a movie, pay close attention to the protagonists and antagonists - they are the driving forces behind the magic of cinema.